Our family has been church planting missionaries in Bolivia since 2013. During our years on the field, the Lord has allowed us to rescue 3 struggling churches, as well as plant 3 new churches. Beyond church planting, we have helped supply over 1 million scripture portions, millions of tracts and 10s of thousands of full Bibles to the local churches in Bolivia and across South America.
Our home has served as storage and staging area for construction supplies, medical supplies, care packages, Sunday school materials and “all things ministry” because there is no other location specifically designated for housing these essential resources. We have also had the opportunity to host many visitors coming to Bolivia. We have enjoyed having several of these stay in our home but due to limited space, many have had to pay out of pocket and rely on other local accommodations.
Our home church and mission board has been working in Bolivia for over 30 years and represents over 20 national pastors and missionaries within Bolivia. During that time, our pastor has had the desire to create a centrally located logistical base within the country. Much of our family’s ministry reflects exactly how this centralized base would operate only on a much larger scale.
“...God can use the same type of ministry in Bolivia for His glory. ”
It is the desire our family and our church to open Anchor Baptist Mission – Bolivia. A place to minister to others with a greater, more efficient, capacity. This mission would house ministry supplies as well as church and work groups that come to Bolivia. There would also be a residence to serve as the primary home for the property manager. For the foreseeable future, this position would be filled by our family. The property would be owned by ABMI and should the Lord ever move our family, the mission would remain for others to continue this ministry.
The Anchor Baptist Mission – Bolivia would replicate the warehouse and facilities already in place and functioning extremely well at our church in North Carolina. The same type of warehouse facility has already been duplicated in Wyoming. We have seen what a help those have been to the surrounding communities and know God can use the same type of ministry in Bolivia for His glory.
A project this size is unlike any our family has ever approached before and asking for the funds to make it happen is a bit overwhelming, but we have no doubt that God knows the need and He knows our desires to see this come to fruition. We serve a God who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills, and we know He uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways to accomplish His purpose. We cannot do this alone; we need your help. We would like to ask you to consider helping financially. If you would like to have a part in this project, gifts can be sent to ABMI at 3232 Hendersonville Hwy, Pisgah Forest, NC 28768. Be sure to write “Anchor Baptist Mission – Bolivia" in the memo so the funds are attributed properly. Or you can give online at
I do not take it lightly and want to thank you for considering helping with this need. Please continue praying for us as we press toward this goal for the glory of God!
The Warehouse will serve as a distribution center to serve local churches and missionaries. This space will aid in promoting the gospel through material goods. We often need to store scripture, Sunday school materials, printing supplies, food, care packages and more but our desire would be to expand this to other items as the Lord allows.
The Mission House will provide accommodations for various groups, families and individuals traveling to Bolivia. A place of lodging for church and work teams as they minister to local churches but also for fellow missionaries needing to do business in the city. The Mission House will be a comfortable space that helps them feel at home while they are in our care.
The Resident House will serve as the home for the family managing the mission property. Living onsite will have them readily available to help with the daily operations of the mission. Warehouse distributions, hospitality and property maintenance will be the main responsibilities of the resident family.