January 2017
It seems weird to be writing the numbers 2017 on our prayer letters. Another year has come and gone. We look back and see how God has blessed us and allowed us to be in the ministry. What a great honor and privilege to be able to serve Him.
Since our last letter, our time has been quite a bit different. We spent most of November filling in for a local Bolivian pastor during his absence. I really enjoyed my time in his church and it was a great blessing to be able to help him. He and his family have been great blessings to our family personally It is because of them that we are legally able to be and remain in Bolivia as missionaries and for that we are grateful. We were happy to “repay” the help.
As you know, we came in to the states at the end of November. We felt it was important to allow family to meet and spend time during the holidays with their grandson, Daniel. He has also celebrated his very 1st birthday this months. It is hard to believe!!! Since he was born in Bolivia, most of our family had never seen more than photos of him so we felt it was important for them to meet him. Ellie will also be celebrating her 3rd birthday at the end of the month so they will also get to take part in that.
This has also been a great opportunity to visit some of the churches that has so faithfully supported us through the years. We have mainly focused on the churches we have not been to in a while or that has had pastoral changes. It has been great to meet new pastors, new believers and new faces as we visited these churches.
Our time (this time) in that states is coming to an end though. We return to Bolivia the 8th of February and we would appreciate your prayers as we travel. We must return at this time because if we don’t, we will lose 3 years and thousands of dollars of residential paperwork because they only allow us out for up to 89 days until we are finished. But thankfully, we will be finished around April which will give us much more freedom to come and go as needed. We would like to ask you to pray for this process. Help us pray that it goes as smoothly and as expected.
I said “this time” earlier because once our paperwork is finished, we do plan to return to the states and finish our furlough. We do not have any exact dates yet because we do not know how long the government will take to finish their part. We need to return for 3 reasons. One, is to update more of our supporting churches that we have not been to in a while. Two, is to raise money for the church property we are trying to buy. Lastly, we need more monthly support. We have been blessed with both of our children since being on the field. Our family has doubled and there are obviously more expenses that come with that. Please help us pray about these financial needs.
Thank you again for your continued prayers and support. I would also like to say thank you to those we have visited during this trip. We have been greatly encouraged by your kindness as we visit. It has been an extra special blessing for people to mention our letters and such. It reminds us that they are there and praying for us.