July 2017
What an exciting time to be serving the Lord! With all the
things going on around us in the world, we know His coming could not
be long. It is great to have the opportunity to serve Him till that day
We have been fairly busy with our time in the states. It started out a
little slow due to our unknown return date but it has slowly started
getting more busy. Even with us being in the states, our projects are
continuing in Bolivia. I just received word last night that the next
10,000 scripture portions have been finished. That makes 30,000 that
have been printed in a year!!! And we already have started printing the
next 5,000. Most of these Bibles have been specifically for Bolivia,
including a cover designed for the country. This 10,000 that was just
finished are for 3 other countries, Chile, Peru and Argentina. We are
doing more than just ¨Reaching Bolivia¨, we are now reaching more of
South America. Isn´t that great? Best of all, we have not personally
had to raise any money for these projects, the Lord has provided it all
through others. We just get to be the funnel for making it happen.
We have had the opportunity to visit some of our supporting
churches. We also had the opportunity to help one of them with
Vacation Bible School. We went and helped them knock on doors for
a couple weeks. Due to our Spanish, we were able to reach a few
Spanish families in the process. We had about 10 or more Spanish
speaking children in the Bible School as a result. It was great to get to have a part in this.
In the coming weeks, we will really start traveling a lot more.
Between now and Thanksgiving we will be in churches in Virginia,
Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, Kentucky, Indiana and South
Carolina. That will be a decent amount of miles for us but we are
looking forward to being able to get out, visit some supporting
churches and try to raise up some new supporting churches. We
would greatly appreciate it if you would take some time to help us
pray for safety during our travels. This will be quite different for
Jessica and I. When we were on deputation, it was just the two of
us. We were able to just pick up and leave whenever we needed to,
drive as long as we needed to and stay as long as we needed to.
Having two toddlers has changed that greatly but it has still been a
lot of fun.
I would like to take another opportunity to remind you about
our need for help in buying property. As you know, we have an
area of Santa Cruz that we have found and would like to see a new
church plant there. We need to buy land, owning church property
gives security and assurance to the locals that they have their own
place to really meet and be a part of. We are still trying to raise
$30,000 for this project. This does not include ANY kind of
building or construction so you see what kind of long term need
there really is. Would you please pray about helping us in this
project? We have a matching fund going for up to $3,000 so
anything given up to that point will be doubled automatically. That
is a great opportunity that we want to try and take advantage of.
Again, thank you so much for being a part of our ministry.
We truly mean it when we say that we could not do any of this
without your help in prayer and financial support.