
March was a great month and we have been encouraged. 

One thing we were able to do was join people from both of our works for a joint conference at a sister church. These church people had never met each other before.  They live on opposite ends of the city,  2 or more hours apart. It was neat to have them all in one place.  From the north side, we had the youth and from the south side church we had most our our faithful people.  It was encouraging that as the service started, our churches made up the majority of the congregation.

We have one urgent prayer request to ask you to pray for.  Our new church on the south side has a big problem.  I mentioned a little about this in our last letter but things have become more clear since then. The church was started in a ladies home.  She is a believer that we knew and has been in church for years.  The church has grown around her within the community and she was providing a free place to start meeting.  The problem is, she recently fell into public sin.  The situation is bad enough that most of the community has stopped coming.  They are not against us and have promised to come back, but not while we are in her home.  Honestly, I wouldn’t blame them either.  So this has created the problem that we need a more permanent place very quickly.  Our problem is, our family invested everything we had in our last church. We have no current financial resources for helping this church move.

Within the area we have found an option in anticredito. Anticredito is a system of paying the owner all your rent up front because they have a financial need.  The great thing is, at the end of the Anticredito, they must give ALL the money back. The first place is $5,000 for a 1-2 year contract. It has 2 small rooms in which we could have service.  We have had someone offer to loan us this with no interest but I really don’t like the idea of going in debt for this right now. Would you help us pray over this need?  We need to get out of that lady’s house, even if we just meet under a tree somewhere.  The longer we are there, the more it hurts the testimony of our church.

We continue to ask you to pray for the political situation in Bolivia.  Currently, everything seems ok, but it will start getting more interesting closer to the election in October.

We appreciate those of you that take time to read our letter and pray over them.  We also appreciate those of you that take time to respond to us.

Robert Murray