December Update 2020
What a joy it is to serve the Lord in these days! While the year 2020 hasn’t been what any of us expected, it has opened doors of opportunity for serving Him that we did not foresee.
I continue to go weekly to pray with the police. We continue to build confidence with them. As I move about the city, many officers now recognize me and greet me as a friend. Jessica says it is like being with someone famous because every time we go out, we are greeted by an officer who knows me. We decided to do something special for the officers for Christmas. So far, we have given one department, about 100 officers, a nice bible, a daily devotional, water and a face mask. Of course, they were very appreciative, and I hope to be able to do more if we can get additional local pastors to help.
We have finally finished our part of the construction at the new church property. You will note from the pictures that the building does not look finished. There is a reason for this. We want the people to have a large part in this work too. We want them to know that it is their building, not ours. We believe they will take better care of it if they do. We have built the main walls and a partial roof. Within that space, we have also built out a small storage room, a kitchen and 2 bathrooms. They will be responsible for completing the roof, the floor and the inside finish work.
This project will now proceed one room at a time. The people seem to be getting excited and are starting to show a greater interest in taking part for themselves. They are raising money within the church to buy doors and windows for the rooms. Even though these people are generally poor, and we have all been living through a pandemic this year, they are still giving; honestly, more than I expected. For the first room, they gave within $3 of our goal. Lord willing, we will start working towards the second room doors and windows after the beginning of the new year.
As of this writing, we are preparing for our first service at this new place! I can’t wait! It is going to be a special day. We have been planning for this service to be around Christmas with a special guest preacher, a baptism, gifts for the children and a meal afterwards. The people have been working into the late hours of the night to make this happen.
Thank you for helping make all this possible. We are allowed the opportunity to see and to experience all these things firsthand but only because you help make it possible.