February 2019 Update
We have had several people respond and ask us how Jessica is doing. In our last email, I let you know she was in the hospital. At the time, we still were not 100% sure what the actual problem was. She had not been able to eat for a few days, was running a fever and was feeling horrible. She spent 4 days in the local hospital and was treated for pneumonia. She is still not back to normal but is feeling much better than she was. We appreciate all the concern and prayers for her. Praise the Lord she is better. We are also thankful for how things went while she was there. Ellie is doing preschool work and didn’t miss a beat. The Ellzeys, our missionary friends, kept that up for us while I stayed with Jessica at the hospital. We had also preplanned a small VBS for the same week. I was not able to be there the first day or two but it went on as planned! As a missionary, it was exciting to see them continue in the work even without us!
Also, we mentioned issues with Daniel’s foot. It had been swelling off and on for almost two months. We consulted with 5 different doctors, we did hundreds of dollars in blood work, xrays and never did find the problem. In the last few weeks, this problem has seemed to go away. As a result of the blood work, we did see his immune system is still very low. If you remember, we mentioned this issue over a year ago when he had to see some specialist over it. Otherwise, he seems to be doing well now.
We are still working to secure our church building after the 2 break-ins. We have an alarm we are ready to install. We also have some cameras that some churches helped provide us. Our current issue is getting internet at the church to hook all these things up. We thought we had a solution but it currently isn’t working correctly. We believe it will come together. It is just taking a little more time and work than we had figured.
I also want to take a minute to remind you that you may have some things repeated in some of our emails. I would like to finish this update to explain why this is. We send a physical mail prayer letter to our supporters every two months, you receive this by email but our supporting churches also receive this by the postal service. Because the emails do not cost us anything, we try and keep you up to date every month. The reason we repeat some things in our emails is because there are things we let you know as they happen each month, however we also need to include them in our prayer letters for our supporters that may not receive the emails. This is why you receive some of our information twice. We hope you understand. If it helps, we try to distinguish the two by titling one as a “prayer letter” and the other as an “update”.
Again, we thank you for your prayers and concerns for our family. We have had some trying times since the opening of the new church but we have been encouraged by your calls and messages. While we hope things are getting better, please don’t stop praying for us. We need them continually as we battle for the Lord here in Bolivia.