January 2025 Prayer Letter


We are thrilled to be back in Bolivia! Our furlough was incredibly successful, and we experienced many blessings from the Lord, but we were eager to return. This transition felt more challenging than any before; the journey was longer, and unfortunately, upon our arrival, Ellie became sick and needed a few days to recover. Thankfully, she is on the mend, we have unpacked, and we are gradually settling back into our routine.

We have learned that a veteran missionary family is leaving Bolivia due to health issues. They have dedicated 35 years to the ministry here without ever returning to the states for a furlough. While we are saddened by their departure, we understand that sometimes it is necessary. At the same time, we are excited to welcome a new family to Bolivia in just a few days! We have known the Blackburn family for several years and are eager to see what God has planned for them as they come to support us in our church planting efforts. Please keep them in your prayers during this transition.

Once we assist the Blackburn family in finding and settling into their new home, our primary focus will be on launching the new Bible institute. We already have seven different churches interested in utilizing our new curriculum. Although there is an established Bible college in our city, many of these churches are too far away for their members to attend. Our program will consist of video-based classes that local pastors will implement in their churches. Although multiple teachers will be involved, my aim is for the local pastor and church to train their own members for ministry work. I plan to take my time in getting this project underway, as I hope that starting slowly and paying attention to details will help us avoid future issues.

With summer upon us, our local churches have been hosting Vacation Bible School throughout January. While we contributed to the planning efforts, our travels prevented us from attending. It was a joyous thing to witness each church's successful VBS from a distance. Even more remarkable was seeing our people take charge and manage everything independently. This demonstrates their growth and maturity, which is a gradual process that does not happen overnight.

On another note, we would like to update you on a prayer request we mentioned a few months back. In late June, we learned that our pastor had prostate cancer. As he gathered more information from medical professionals, the diagnosis became increasingly concerning. He explored various treatment options, but none were viable, leading him to undergo surgery to remove the cancer. Thankfully, the surgery was successful, but there were still uncertainties about his next steps. However, in early December, his doctor informed him that there were no signs of cancer remaining, and he was medically cleared! This means he will not need chemotherapy or radiation! Our church was overjoyed to hear this wonderful news! Thank you for joining us in prayer for him.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers. We have numerous goals during this term in Bolivia. Help us pray for the wisdom to fulfill what God has in store for us during this time.

Robert Murray