January 2020 Prayer Letter


We are in a new year and are looking for great things from the Lord.  Last year was wonderful and full of God's blessings but we are looking for what He has in store for this brand-new year!

In December, we were able to help both of our churches and another church have a special Christmas meal for their children.  We were able to do this with the help of Change the World Relief Organization.  Each church had a nice turn out of children and we had reports of some of them trusting in Christ as their Savior. Each meal varied a little but for the most part they all got rotisserie chicken, rice and potatoes.  The children also received small gifts from the churches.  This is a great opportunity to give the gospel to these children but also show the community around the churches that we care about them.

Mount Carmel Baptist Church will be having Vacation Bible School this month. This is exciting to us because it is the first one they will do without our help.  This shows us that the church is continuing on as an independent work, without the help of a missionary.  This is exactly what we desire of this church.  

Our land project for the second church is coming along well.  We were starting to get a little concerned in December because there were not many gifts given towards the project.  However, since the new year, things have picked up again.  As of the writing of this letter, we are down to only needing $2,000 to be able to finish this project!  This is wonderful!!!  We are extremely excited to return to the field the first week of March and get started working.

Another project that we have been working on is for our printing ministry.  With the help of our Pastor and HELP Missions SA, we are hoping to  send a full 40' container of John and Romans to Bolivia.  We currently have 250,000 booklets of Romans being printed in Tennessee.  Then we are picking up 10 other pallets from Bearing Precious Seed in Ohio.  I am hoping we can find some New Testaments and some full Bibles that I can put in the container too. Then any and all space that is left we will try to fill with gospel tracts.

Lastly, this month we celebrate the birthdays of both of our children.  Daniel turned 4 on the 11th and Ellie will be 6 on the 31st.   We are thankful for these two blessing God gave us!  Both are doing very well.  Ellie is in Kindergarten and is learning a lot.  Jessica does a wonderful job working with her and helping her learn.  Daniel is not in school yet but is learning a lot just by hearing Ellie’s lessons in the background.

Again, we would like to thank you for your prayers.  They mean a lot to our family. 

Robert Murray