December 2019 Update
Good Day,
We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great Christmas season. We are thankful this year to have been able to spend the holiday season with our families.
The political situation in Bolivia has changed many times for both good and bad since our last letter. The pressure that the people put on the president lasted about 20 days before he finally stepped down and sought asylum in Mexico. However, as he stepped down, he called on his people to fight. His followers started terrorizing in the cities. They looted, burned buildings and threatened anyone who stood in their way. Several people were killed during this time. At the moment, things have calmed down. Since his resignation, legal proof of fraud has been established to have taken place during the election. There is an interim president who is setting up a new election board across the country and they are preparing for a brand-new election. All of this has been going fairly well. The problem that we currently see is that the ex-president has since sought political refugee status in Argentina. Argentina borders Bolivia and I believe he is starting to try to stir up more trouble. Really only time will tell.
During all the protests, all the streets were blocked. They would not allow cars or buses to pass as a way to disrupt the economy and put more pressure on the president. As a result, this affected the pastors of both of our works. Both of them live a good distance from the churches. The blockades meant that if they were going to have service, they would have to walk to church. Francisco was walking 6 hours (21 miles) and Rogelio was walking 3-4 hours so they could have service. This was all one way. However, during these blockades, most of the time small motorcycles are allowed to pass through. Not knowing how long this situation would continue, we began to pray about trying to help them buy a motorcycle. I asked a few friends to help us pray about it too and the Lord began to work quickly. By the end of the same day, we had been promised the finances to purchase 2 motorcycles and a bicycle. Then the next day, our home church also helped get another motorcycle for another pastor we work with. The Lord provided more than what we were praying for in about 24 hours. We sent the money down and the bikes were all purchased the same week. They had enough to buy their bikes, helmets and do all the paperwork to get their bikes legal. Now that the protests are over, these bikes will still be used in the ministry. They will help these pastors get to and from their work cheaper than public transportation. It will also help them get around in the community as they visit, do discipleship and more. We are excited to have been able to help in this.
Last month, we were made aware of 2 pallets of bibles that were being made available at a discount. A Christian bookstore we have worked with in the past was moving and did not have room for the pallets at their new location. This opportunity allowed us to save $1,000 on the purchase of 2,000 Bibles! I appreciate the publishing ministry of our home church helping to make this possible financially.
We are still working towards raising the finances for the new church. If you remember, we are asking churches to partner with us and with this new church at $1,000 or more. God has brought in over half of what we have determined is needed, and to date, we still need the help of an additional 14 partners. Help has slowed down now that we are around the holidays. A few churches have expressed interest in helping us so we will see how much more comes after the new year.
Thank you for allowing us to be your missionaries in Bolivia. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas season and enjoy time with your family.